No, really? What are you waiting for? You need to fix your life, yes? You need to lose weight, also, yes? So, why aren't you? Are you waiting for someone to ride up to you on their white stallion, take you by the hand, swing you up onto the beast and ride away, saying "Sir/Ma'am, I'm here to fix you"? Or are you someone who believes in fate; that what will be will be, and if something should happen, there'd be a sign?

In reality, if you are not happy with an aspect of your life, it may mean that that something requires fixing. If you are in debt, say, and struggle to pay the rent each month, this requires fixing. If you struggle to leave your bed each day, for whatever reason, then, with baby steps, this requires fixing. If you are morbidly obese, this requires fixing. Because, in reality, the latter is putting you at risk of all sorts of health problems.

And I'm not talking about minor health problems here. I'm talking about serious life-changing troubles. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea, risk of strokes and heart attacks. Not to mention the mental side of it. Basically, things that, essentially, could kill you.

Now, I'm not into scaremongering at all. I don't like dramatics. But I do kind of like people who say it as it is. Sometimes, it's just what we need to hear.

For me especially, I have found that self-motivation is difficult. It's what I've been trying to do, and I've told myself many things to give myself that kick up the ass I so desperately need. But the fact of the matter is, if I don't do anything about my issues now, it'll be too late. And that scares me.

I said, in just the last post I published, that I had an amazing family that I'm really close to. It's no lie; I really do. I see them as often as I can, and I try to be there for them as much as I can. The truth is, the thought of not being there for them one day scares me. The thought that my senseless, self-inflicted problems have put me in serious danger, or worse, sometimes keeps me up at night.

Unfortunately, these are matters that we can read about in the news on a regular basis. Some of our most well-known celebrities have succumbed to certain diseases. I think we may all know somebody in our personal lives who has suffered, or still is suffering, from serious ailments. So, why do we think it can't/won't happen to us?

Again, I'm not trying to fearmonger here. And I apologise for the seriousness of this post. But for people who don't want to hear it, who'd rather here that they're plump and cute rather than obese and at risk, I have to say it. Because I'm one of those people that needs to hear it.

And, since I am being dramatic here, I will use one of those quotes that we hear oh so often in cheesy action movies:

"It's Do or Die."

That's the choice, plain and simple. And I know which one I'd rather do.

Yes, it's difficult. And yes, it's hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. But keep going. Get help. Find a gym buddy or a personal trainer if you have to. Join your local diet group if this will help. Tag along on some group walks or runs if you need to be with others. Whatever it is, just do it. No shame, no embarrassment. People will support you.

You just have to support yourself, too.

So, choose to do something today that will steer your life back towards the healthy route. Because, in the not-too-distant future, you may regret not doing so.

And just to end the post on a cheerier note, here's a quote from Dr Seuss which I think fits pretty well here:

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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