Wow. Has it really been over a month already since I started my site? Time flies!

So, I have a new article on the main site which you should absolutely check out. No, really. It's a good one. And I've also updated the look of the site. So that's 2 reasons why you should go and have a gander 😊

Moving on, it's just a matter of days now until I implement the next Change. And it'll be one that really does matter. I can't say I'm necessarily looking forward to it because, as always, the Fear is perched on my shoulder watching. But I'm looking forward to seeing the difference it will make to my life.

In other news, Christmas is coming up fast, as is the cold weather. Tis officially the season to pull on the old sweaters and hoodies and grab yourself a hot drink to warm your hands. And enjoy your surroundings. It's certainly what I plan to do. I've realised over the years that Christmas has become more and more of a stressful rush and I spend so much time worrying over buying gifts that I often overlook what really matters; spending time with family, friends and loved ones. And I know that sounds all cliché but, as you start getting older, you start to really treasure those moments. I mean, to be honest, most years I barely remember what I buy anyone, but I do remember the days out we have together.

With that being said, cast your eyes once more over the picture for this update and, if you can, heed the advice. Enjoy every moment. Life is precious, as are you ❤

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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