Are we really almost in May already!?

That was my roundabout way of saying "I'm not good at multitasking". I don't think it'll catch on...

So, I've been so busy with stuff recently that time has truly slipped out of my hands. It's only recently that I've actually checked a calendar and said "oh gracious!" when I realised we are coming up to the dreaded summer months (I am a creature of cold and dark). And my second realisation was, surprise surprise, I have not been following my own advice at all...

You know how it is. You get busy, you eat to sustain, then snack to sustain even more. Then you energy drink to sustain, then caffeinate to sustain, just in case more sustination is required. Next thing you know, you're strolling to the office and you pull your calf muscle and you realise you are more out of breath than normal and oh look at that I've gained weight 😑

It's time to slow it down and concentrate now. I'm being stern with myself. My strained calf is sooooo painful and I'm headachey and mood-swingy and all that nonsense. And I know exactly why. I have been focusing on trying to do so much at once that I've somehow made myself give up on everything whilst I focus on everything at the same time. I'm not even sure if that's possible, but I've done it! My actual job is going through some major Changes (not the good kind, either) so my Anxiety is through the roof, but on the flip side this website of mine seems to be doing great and my online shops are really getting there! One is launched already (although it's not aimed at helping anyone like this site is, so I won't mention the name yet) and the others are almost ready. And I'm excited. Never in my life did I think I'd feel confident enough to launch my own website and, what is technically, my own business, but here we are!

In other news, this site will soon be going through some Changes of its own. There are some more things I want to add, more ways I feel I can help others, some things I will be removing. Again, I won't go into any more detail just yet but know that, even if I'm not posting anything here, I am working on it! I'm busy busy busy and I'm trying to divide my time between all that I'm passionate about, so right now things are kinda chaotic. It's organised chaos, though. I just have to organise my brain to match, but things take time.

I will say this, though. That regardless of how busy one seems, you must not sacrifice your health. As Dr Mandell says, "Don't sacrifice your health for wealth." Well, it's not for wealth but I've definitely sacrificed my health over the years and I know this has to Change. Some recent shocking and sad news has made me appreciate just how fragile life is. And it's not something we should take for granted. From the Big Bang, to how we are actually made (birds, bees, and all that jazz), our chances of creation were actually super slim. But I, anyone reading this, anyone you know - we've all beaten the odds to even be here in the first place. We are all miracles and we should live life to the fullest.

I know that's easier said than done, but, in the end, isn't that the goal?

Be well, look after each other and, most importantly, look after yourself. You amazing little miracle, you 😘

Until the next post, Big Love XX

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