So when considering this site I had to think realistically of what I wanted to achieve and how. After having tried the majority of diets and failing, I have to put something into place to ensure I will continue down the same route throughout my journey. Should I start taking a different route, I have to figure out how I will ensure this detour rejoins the main path to my destination. Essentially, I have to make sure I succeed. So to break this down, here are my aims:
- Weight Loss
My current weight is 20 stone and 8 lbs (291.2 lbs). This puts me into the morbidly obese category. Documenting this ensures it is out there. It doesn't matter what excuses I have; anxiety, work, life etc. I am there and I need to be away from that number. This is me at present:

2. Anxiety
I suffer from anxiety which can massively affect how, when and why I do various things in life. My aim is not to rid myself of anxiety, which I think is a medical impossibility, but to manage it. To recognize the signs and to put into place the techniques to deal with it.
3. Fitness
Basically, I need to move more. Self-explanatory but ultra important to me.
4. Hoarding
Something I haven't mentioned yet but have an issue with. After all, years spent almost entirely by oneself will result in many an online purchase.
5. Hobbies
So the weight loss is going well, I'm going out more and I have no excess stuff. Then what? New and exciting ways to fill my days.
6. Happiness
The all-time goal, is it not?
So, now I have my aims it is time to focus on how to achieve this. Realistically. And my plan is a simple one. Coffee & Changes. Still enjoying my favourite hot drink whilst making small, comfortable changes. Making things doable. Not putting too much pressure on myself that I freak out and give up. Introducing a new small-but-major challenge each month.
So that is how I plan to continue with this site. Each month I will introduce a small change and how I will achieve it. In the meantime, I will publish articles about various things to help, explain, interest and to update.
Until the next post, Big Love xx