I can't even count how much chocolate I have inhaled watching a film; how many biscuits I have wolfed down at work; how many tubs of Ben & Jerry's I've devoured playing video games. The thought is actually terrifying, knowing I could single-handedly be keeping Cadbury and co in business!

But I can probably count on one hand how many of these snacks I've actually enjoyed. How many I've mindfully nibbled and savoured the taste of. How many I've actually craved.

The fact is, it's all too easy to buy the purple-wrappered sweets or to over-buy baked goods at the local coffee shop to take some home for later. But I have found that I pay far too much far too easily to simply take these items home and subconsciously guzzle them.

So my first Change I will be making is to my snack habit. No more shall I numbly reach out to whatever sugar-packed goodie is closest. I shall not dismiss snacks entirely because, after all, I am making small changes towards a better lifestyle. I am simply being more mindful to what I choose to eat between meals.

So this brings me to the picture of this post; not an advertisement but simply to make a point. My snacks of choice now are from a Japanese company who, on a monthly basis, send me a box of snacks from a particular region of Japan, as well as an item of tableware and some delicious tea to sip on. Each month means snacks from a different region, which also vary on the season. As a lover of all things Japanese, as well as a fascination for the culture, I absolutely love these boxes and can honestly say I really look forward to receiving them.

As I say, this is by no means an advertisement but this is what suits me. Taking my time eating through the, frankly, delightful snacks they provide knowing that they have to last me until I receive the next box. And you know what? This makes me really happy.

So, this first Change (for me at least) seems to be a rather easy one, and one that I feel I can really stick to. And I also feel a confidence boost believing that something I have been addicted to pretty much my whole life can be conquered.

Until the next post, Big Love xx

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