...without quite starting over.
One major thing about Depression is that it can cause seriously low moods. To the extent where you want to just give up on anything and everything you are currently working on.
Unfortunately, this has included this site. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my site and really enjoy updating it and thinking up new ideas for it. But when Depression hits, it hits. And recently I've felt like such a failure about myself, and about everything I've not achieved since starting this site, that I've wanted to delete it all and forget it ever existed.
I'm glad I didn't.
Truly, I am. Because, as I said, I genuinely love my site. It gives me an amazing opportunity to really think about how I am feeling, how to get out of this rut, and how to help others do the same. I am incredibly lucky to have it really.
So, I made the difficult decision (fighting against every fibre of my existence) to continue with this mission of mine and to, kind of, restart. Well, I am restarting but, rather than delete all the posts I have published thus far, I am simply restarting from this point onwards, although I did update my logo to something a lot cozier to welcome the restart (see below!). And cheating a little bit. Because (spoiler alert!) the next Change will be the first 3 Changes.
Yup, in just a few short days Change numero Quattro will be Mindful Snacks, Move More AND Drink More Water, all at the same time. 🤫
Yes, it will be a bigger Challenge. But, being out of the Depression slum I've currently been in, I feel better equipped to get through it this time. Or at least to try my best.
For the sake of Future Me, I will be leaving the site as it currently is, intact and busy but with my shiny new logo. That way, I can look back 5 years from now, when I'm all healthy and glowing, and remind myself that it was a proper struggle to get there and not to take it all for granted.
Until then, though, I will drag myself onwards and upwards.
Never give up - You are better than that!
Until the next post, Big Love  xx