Here we are, the run-up to Christmas with less than a month to go!

Since the last email to you from my site I have written a handful of posts - articles, updates and the like, so please go check them out!

But this newsletter isn't about me updating you. Yes, some things have happened recently which I should find stressful. Yes, there are some worries I should have, especially for this time of year. But I'm not worrying or stressing.

At the time I am typing this Newsletter, I am content. I have found that this site has helped me a lot. Not just the process of creating and publishing the posts, but of thinking up future posts. Knowing that I can write about any worries that I may have, but more importantly knowing that I am not alone with my worries. That others also have the same worries and that we are getting through them together. And that brings me comfort, just as I hope my site brings anybody else comfort and assistance.

So as I said, this Newsletter isn't so much about me updating you. It's actually to say thank you for subscribing to my site and for reading this. I never thought I'd ever be able to Change who I have been for so long, but I am. And I am incredibly grateful for the support I have been receiving.

To read any updates, head over to my site. But I will keep this Newsletter short and let you crack on with your day.

Thank you again.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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