"I will lose weight," I say every December 30th. "This'll be the year I become a Cheeky Girl."

"Oh rats," I say every January 6th. "This is the 3rd French Fancy I've eaten. On top of that king-size Dairy Milk, I couldn't possibly eat another thing."

Sound familiar? Or is it just me who's that weak-willed?

So this year I'm not bothering. I refuse to come up with a resolution or 10 that I'm no doubt going to break within the first month of the new year. Not just because I'm used to the yearly failings and feel a bit rubbish each time, but because I don't think it's worth the guilt. Why feel bad about not sticking to something that, essentially, you only came up with for the sake of the new year?

No. Instead, as I said in my latest newsletter, I'm going to promise myself a better life; I'm going to look after myself both physically and mentally and concentrate on me. Because, frankly, I deserve it. My body deserves it. My mind deserves it.

While I'm not one to teach anyone to suck eggs or interfere with another's life, I would suggest you take a look at yourself and what you may have gone through over the past year, or go even further back. Have you been kind to yourself? Have you smiled or laughed each day? Have you drank enough, and eaten enough good healthy food to gratify your body? Have you done one thing each day, or each week, that you wanted to do and enjoyed doing? If the answer to all of these is yes, well get you! Carry on! But if you have, as I suspect you might, neglected any of these factors then I would sincerely recommend you do yourself a favour and make this year the year you turn things around.

I know there are certain things we can't control. The stuff you see in the news or on social media. Bad or sad news in our personal lives. Even with the best intentions to be happy, sometimes life throws a curveball our way as if it were testing us. But why not ignore the news? Why not switch off social media? Just for a day to see how much better it feels? Yes, there are bad things happening around the world. However you need to remember there are also good things that happen all the time. Granted it's rare the good things don't get as much attention as, for example, who's trying to be the next President of the US or which countries are out to get each other, but they do happen. The majority of people on this rock we live on are good.

For me, I will be continuing with my Changes and Challenges. And I will enjoy them. Because I am ready to live my best.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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