My silence does not mean I've given up. Au contraire, it means the exact opposite.

I have been working steadily on fixing myself (more on this in a later post but I'm... Actually a little proud of myself 🤭). At the same time, I've been working on tools I can provide to help others. Which, after all, is my aim.

But, with a bit of extra work (on myself and on everything I'm currently doing) I will have things ready soon. I'm not trying to sound all mystical or anything, but I am trying to offer an explanation to anyone reading through my site as to why I'm not consistently posting. I will be soon.

In the meantime, please look after yourselves. In the darkest and dreariest of days, the sun is merely hiding behind a cloud. The light will shine once more and you will find yourself smiling again. And, let's face it, you are beautiful when you smile😍

Until the next post, Big Love xx