So far, my Changes seem to have centered around weight loss. But seeing as that's not the only thing I need to take control of, this month's Change is slightly different (but can still be applied to weight loss!).

This month's Change is to Take a Moment to Not...

Simply put, before you do something that you don't really want to do, take a moment to not do it.

For example, one of my nasty habits is spending. Amazon to me is kinda like chips to a seagull. See it, decide you suddenly want it (and that you could easily take the holder in a fight), fly to it, obtain it and delight in the reward. Only, I don't really delight in the reward. So my way of "Not-ing", as it shall be known forthwith, is to add items that I want to my basket, then logging out. That's it. Nice and simple. I get the satisfaction of adding things to my basket, which is halfway to purchasing, but I save myself a few pennies.

Another way of Not-ing is by not eating that sugary thing you've bought yourself (wait, I here you ask, is that a double-negative? Does that mean I should eat that sugary thing? Well, I've just come up with "Not-ing" and haven't yet used it in sentences so 🤫) When I was on one of those low-calorie diets, I craved chocolate. My way of dealing with this was to open a wrapper, or wait for a family member to prepare themselves for eating one, and sniff the chocolate or cookie or whatever it was I was craving. In that sniff, I'd close my eyes and think of all the ingredients that would go into it, focusing on the worst ones like butter, cream, flour and so so much sugar. Once I opened my eyes, the cravings had gone and I'd also feel put off because the only thing I could smell would be the bad stuff in the product!

This technique of Not-ing could, in theory, work for any bad habit you've developed. Gambling? Before you use your card on that game or slot machine, think about where that money is truly going. Are you looking to blow it on a bunch of pixels? Or are you going to watch a fixed wheel spinning on the off-chance you could get a few quid back? Real-life shopping? Before you impulse-buy that shirt or those trousers or those sneakers, or whatever, ask yourself why you actually want it? Is it a necessity? Are they just going to end up taking space, like that last pair of sneakers you bought and only wore, like, twice? Maybe even leave the shop and, if you can't stop thinking about it, return later in the day to make the purchase. At least you'd have given yourself the chance to Not. Online shopping? As I said, it works for me to put the item into my basket then log out. At least then, if I can still find a use for it some time down the line, I know where to look for it.

As with everything, all this depends on whether or not you actually want to break a habit. Some see shopping as a reward for all the hecticness in their daily lives. Others see an online purchase as a treat for getting through the work week. But, if you do see your habit as being a problem, if you've racked up debt or are gaining weight you don't want to gain, then try and use this technique when temptation strikes.

I wish you luck - I know from experience (as I've documented my struggles on this site many a time now!) that habits are difficult to break. In the not-too-distant future I will add more articles on ways to deal with them. But, for now, Not away!

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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