When it comes down to it, the only thing that is stopping you from achieving anything is you.

We can make up a million excuses: it's too hard, I'm too tired, I'm in pain, I'm too weak. It doesn't matter. They are all excuses.

If you really want Change, you have to go out of your way to get it. That means, to go out of your comfort zone. And, let's be honest, few people like doing that. We like what we're used to: the safety of our homes, the safety of our habits, the safety of our boring lives.

But there is always that little spark, the one that says "Why not?". Why not try something new? Why not see what amazing incredible things are out there? Why not apply to something you're not qualified for, just in case? That little spark could be a way to make your comfortable life amazing. To take the monotony and regime to new and challenging.

That little spark could also be the thing that is trying to push you into your dreams. That little part of your conscience that gives you itchy fingers and makes you daydream of beautiful things. That life you actually want? It's right there! But only if you work for it.

So think about it for a second. When you think you should be going out for a run and talk yourself out of it, what do you say? "Oh, the weather's too bad."? "My shoes are rubbing."? Any other excuse? Now, what about reasons? What genuine reasons do you provide yourself for not having to do something? Can't think of any?

You can call yourself the most honest person in the world. You can promise to tell the truth to everyone you meet. But, if you are good at making up excuses, you are continuously lying to yourself. And not just lying to yourself. Depriving yourself. There is nothing at all that says you can't achieve what you want. It takes hard work. Damn hard work. But is that a reason to not do it? Or simply an excuse? Do the work, gain the reward. It's as simple as that.

There is a man who is often referred to as one of the toughest men alive. He doesn't fluff anything up but, rather, tells it exactly as it is. And for good reason as he's been through it. And that man is David Goggins. If you don't know who he is, I strongly suggest you Google him. If you do know who he is, though, you'll understand why I'd mention him in this post. There are a number of quotes of his that I could use here, but one in particular stands out:

“Tell yourself the truth! That you’ve wasted enough time, and that you have other dreams that will take courage to realize, so you don’t die a f*cking pussy.”

Because all the times that I personally have sat there making excuses to not do anything, I have been wasting time that I will never get back. And the realisation of that sucks.

Stop making excuses. We are all capable of fixing ourselves. We just have to do it.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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