Okay, I know what I said in my "Starting Over" post. That Change numero Quattro would be the first 3 Changes. But, honestly, it just didn't seem right to re-use material for my own benefit. I will be doing this anyway, but a new Change is also needed.

So, Change number 4 is to show a little kindness to yourself every day.

I'm not talking about going extreme, looking in the mirror and saying things like "Oh, look how cute you are! 😍" or "Hey Gorgeous, how you doin'?" (although if you do this regularly then good for you! Please don't let me stop you!), because most of us just aren't mentally equipped for self-appreciation like this.

No, what I am talking about is, and bear with me here, looking at yourself in the mirror and giving yourself a warm smile. Just study your face in the reflection. Maybe you look tired? Maybe you look a little off-colour? Any stress, or anxiety, or anything, will show on your face. Notice this. Acknowledge this. And give yourself that gorgeous little smile that says "I know. But you've got this."

Just imagine that you're looking at one of your friends across a crowded room. They seem uncomfortable, looking around for a friendly face. Your eyes meet. Knowing you can't shout across to them, you instead nod your head and give them the warmest smile and maybe a little wink. Their face immediately lights up. They know they have you and that you have their back.

It's the same scenario. When you feel lost or anxious, or any other emotion, you can rely on you to be there for you. Because, after all, you've got yourself through everything else in life!

From this point on then, treat yourself as you would someone you really love. Because you should really love yourself. I know this sounds cliché but humans thrive on love and, in my humble opinion, nobody should have to rely on anybody to feel good.

Be your own best friend and treat yourself fabulously.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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