Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you spend a week drinking your 8 glasses of water each day?

It's scientifically proven that drinking enough water each day, approximately 8 glasses or around 1.2 litres, can aid in losing weight, can prevent headaches, makes your skin clearer and cleanses your body from the inside. There are more health benefits, but this is just a small handful.  

But whether you believe in science or not, not drinking enough fluids per day can make you feel crap. For me personally, not drinking adequate water makes me feel tired, I get headaches, my skin sucks and I won't even go into the colour of my wee.

So why can it feel like such a chore to drink enough? I have scratched my head on many an occasion wondering why it seems to take so much effort to uncap a bottle of water and raise it to my lips. One thought is that, for quite some time now, I've been lazy. We know that drinking more, to begin with at least, will naturally make you visit the bathroom more. So I suppose, for me, it's that whole "but I'm comfy and can't be bothered moving" attitude I've adopted that's made it easier to, frankly, sit there and dehydrate. But, if you follow the same thoughts as me and also struggle to drink enough for that particular reason, know that we are not dissimilar to plants.

If you see a plant that's withered or drooping, the natural thing is to hydrate it. And, if it's been some time since moisture has touched the soil, you will notice that any water you pour in goes straight through and out the bottom of the pot. But the more you stay on top of plant chores and keep it fed and watered, the more it retains the water and spillages are less frequent. What I'm getting at is, again for me, whilst I may have to visit the bathroom a lot more once I start drinking enough, this "side-effect" won't be permanent, and it won't take my body long to get used to it and start holding the liquid.

This is a Change which I am actually looking forward to because I know how much better I feel when I do drink enough. And I also know that drinking enough gives you more energy and allows your brain to stay sharp and focused. And, let's face it, if your body and mind start to feel healthier, other things seem to obediently follow suit. Other things like more exercise, eating healthily and an all-round better attitude.

I will at this point apologise for writing an article about peeing 🤢 but I think sometimes you just have to look awkward right in the eyes and do it anyway. Because I like to be honest and, well, whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   It's done now.

So, let's raise a glass of ice-cold water and say, "here's to the first Change of the New Year." Cheers everyone.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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