New Month, new Challenge. And because I failed so miserably trying to do last month's task of mindful snacking, I'm putting extra effort into this Change.

It's scientifically proven that exercise is essential. Moving the muscles, getting the heart pounding - it's healthy for the body, mind and soul.

Of course, when the mind isn't in it, it can feel impossible to even imagine being out and about. Why spend time outside, with strangers and traffic and stuff, when you can be inside, tucked under your duvet reading a book or watching a film?

So this Change isn't about pushing yourself to run a marathon or donning the wetsuit to swim the Channel. Remember, I'm talking about small Changes here. Manageable Changes.

I've started this month's Challenge by taking the stairs at work. I work quite high up so it's a fair number of stairs. And, yesterday, I ran down all of them then climbed my way back up. Yes, I was tired. And out of breath. And sweaty. But I did it. This morning I again took the stairs to the office. And, again, yes I was tired, out of breath and sweaty but, again, I did it. And I did it because it was easy to do. Not in the sense that I sailed all the way down and up, because I absolutely did not. But easy because it was convenient to do it. Having the stairs close to me gives me the perfect opportunity to get those extra steps in, and these are additional steps that I wasn't doing before.

A couple of easy ways to get some more steps in could be to park the car a little further away from the door, or to walk round the supermarket twice when doing the big shop, or even to run the stairs a couple of times when you use the bathroom. It's anything that can give you that little bit more exercise that you weren't doing previously. Waiting for the kettle to boil? Walk on the spot. Waiting for the microwave to ding? Run the stairs. Adverts come on during your TV show? Do a little jig.

None of this may seem much, but when you feel down it can seem the equivalent of climbing a mountain. When all you want to do is remain curled up on the sofa watching Netflix, it can seem fruitless and a mither to get up to move a bit. But if you can do this, then continue doing this, it could lead to more movement, for longer periods of time. That extra run up the stairs could lead to an extra 3 runs up the stairs. That walking on the spot could lead to sprinting on the spot. That little jig could lead to an entire tap dance performance. And before you realise, the weight could be falling off you and those happy little endorphins could find a place in your mind to settle and spread. After all, exercise is known to boost your mood.

So accept this Challenge, get your body moving and congratulate yourself each time you do. Because you are doing an amazing job.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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