So yesterday was a first for me! A trip to a wonderful National Trust Park without spending a fortune on snacks and lunch.

This may not seem like a big deal at all, but for me it absolutely is. Let me explain...

I have always seen lovely food as a social thing. Going out with someone you care about and sitting together to enjoy coffee and cake, or a hearty lunch, has always been one of life's pleasures. But usually this doesn't stay at just one eating session. A lunch can become a 5-course event with various snacks thrown in. A snack can become a feast when other snacks look too nice to pass by. A nice little catch-up can turn into an edible shopping spree.

So yesterday, whilst enjoying some time outdoors with 2 of my beautiful nieces, I managed to surprise myself. A pre-packed lunch in the boot of my car for after our walk, and a hot drink during. And it was delightful. Walking through the crisp leaves with a hot latte warming my hands captured the whole essence of my favourite season. And, what's more, I didn't feel bloated or uncomfortable afterwards like I normally would with all the additional sugar.

I suppose what I'm saying is that this first Change - the lack of most snacks - has made me feel richer; not just in the sense that I'm not losing a ton of money on food, but that I can concentrate on the now. No longer was I thinking about the sweet reward at the end of the walk. I was focused purely on my nieces, the outdoors and, of course, the lovely beverage in my hand. And I feel a lot better for it.

Until the next post, Big Love xx

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