Goodbye Thailand, I'd thought as the plane lifted and the lights of Bangkok grew smaller. I'll be back soon.

After 7 months of backpacking, I'd run out of funds and a bout of homesickness had pushed me into booking my return flight to the UK. My plan was to spend time with my family, recharge the old batteries and save up enough to fly back out there. This was, of course, a lie.

10 years later...

Actually, more than 10 years later. But my point is it's been a while. A LONG while. And what have I been doing in these 10 years or so? Gaining weight, gaining anxiety and living almost like a hermit in the upstairs spare bedroom of my mum's house. Yes, I go to work and visit family members. I even sometimes go out wandering to lovely lands. But the majority of this time has been spent keeping myself almost to myself, curled up in bed eating chocolate. And cakes. And all manner of bad stuff.

To be honest, I don't even know how or when I'd turned. It seems one minute I was tanned and buzzing about my travels, eager to head back out there. The next I'm sat in a large coffee chain of the aquatic-female logo'd brand, having a bit of an epiphany and coming up with this simple fact. The 2 things that mattered to me at this very moment were this delightful large soy-milk latte with sugar-free caramel syrup and, after realising I'd attempted and failed at all manner of ways to lose weight, the lightbulb moment that small changes WILL make a big difference.

Coffee and Changes.

It seems so natural for me to pair the 2 hand in hand. My favourite comforting beverage and a new lifestyle. Old and new. Familiar and strange. Cozy and challenging.

And so I have created this site to document my journey. My thoughts that if I publish this online, it will motivate me to continue regardless. And if anybody comes across this site and feels stuck in the same rut, maybe just maybe we can journey together.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx