Hi there! I decided to launch this website in the hope that seeing it published online will help me with the motivation I need in my journey to fix my life. As of right now (November 2022) I weigh in at 20 stone and 8 lbs (291.20 lbs). I suffer with anxiety and live in my bedroom at my Mother's house. At 38 years old, this is really not ideal for me.

Whilst documenting my own journey, I am hoping to reach out to anyone who is also requiring motivation or to simply know that somebody else is also struggling.

I will be posting updates on my personal life as well as short easy-to-read articles about various things which I hope will help anybody out there who needs it.

I always say that if you can make one complete stranger smile each day, you're doing something right. And if you can invite that stranger to join you on your journey and help each other, this is even better!

So please subscribe to receive all updates and newsletters, read my posts and reach out to me at any point to say hello!

Big Love  x x


