One thing I've noticed nowadays is the negativity and stress that people seem to be displaying. It seems not one day can go by without some piece of bad news...

But it really needn't be like that. You see, I work in a job where negativity has it's place at the head of the table. I am surrounded by the stuff. And I know it can be all too easy to follow suit, even without realising you are doing it. However, it is vital that you don't wallow in it - you must break off from it and take a trip to your happy place.

And where is that? Well, anywhere! Is there something you love doing that you can do at work for 5 minutes? Is there an app on your phone that you can listen to or watch to unwind for a brief moment? Personally, I love art. I love to draw, and sculpt, and make origami things, and pretty much anything arty farty. It's my star sign - I'm a Pisces and we are known for being creative! Outside of work I can put my headphones on, zone out from the world and draw to my heart's content. But at work, I still find time. Because it's important to me.

I mentioned in my last newsletter that I will be opening a shop soon. And I will be. Things are going extremely well and I'm finalising some designs before I put them up for sale. With the shop, my mind is going ten to the dozen thinking up designs. I am so passionate about what I'm doing that I'm taking every opportunity to think up new ideas that excite me. So I always have a pen and paper to hand and always, always, make the time to doodle down anything that springs to mind. And this, my friends, is my happy place. Because for that short time that I'm doodling, I'm imagining the final product and how happy that product will make me and anybody who may see it. I have essentially turned hard work into a joyful game to give me a break from other hard work!

Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't concentrate on your job. Or your chores. Or whatever else you simply need to be doing. Because, whether we like it or not, that's what matters. That's what pays our bills, or keeps our lives running in an orderly way. It's what we must do, for now at least, to survive. But if you can inject a little happiness into it at various times throughout the day, no matter how small, it will be worth it. If you can close your eyes for 10 seconds and imagine yourself on that beach with the sun on your face, or look at a picture of a waterfall and imagine you're standing beside it with the mist on your face and the sound of gushing water all around, then do it. If you can crochet a tiny hat for a cat, or write a piece of music, let's go! If you can use an app to listen to somebody re-telling a classic story that takes you to Ye Lande of Olde, go there! What I'm saying is, if you can zone out (safely!) to a place where you can truly be relaxed and happy for even the shortest time, do it.

Mental health is a big deal. You owe it to yourself and everyone you know to keep your mind as healthy as possible. And, as I said, it's vital to your mind that you don't wallow in negativity without some sort of escape. So find that escape. And when you get home, find the time to go to that place and enjoy it a little longer. Your mind will thank you.

Until the next post, Big Love  xx

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